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Physical Therapy

Physical Therapists are licensed healthcare professionals educated to evaluate and treat a variety of conditions with individuals of all ages. Our team will help get you moving by providing care with the quality, compassion, and professionalism you deserve. We provide you with a comprehensive evaluation, individualized treatment plan, and home exercise program while coordinating with your physician to get you on the road to recovery.

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Slide We Can Help fiber_manual_record Relieve Pain
fiber_manual_record Improve movement, ability, and strength
fiber_manual_record Prevent or recover from an injury or accident
fiber_manual_record Sports medicine
fiber_manual_record Pre and post-surgical assessment and recovery
fiber_manual_record Concussion | Stroke | Chronic Pain or Illness
fiber_manual_record Walking | Balance | Fall prevention
fiber_manual_record Neurological disorders
fiber_manual_record Pre and post-natal care
fiber_manual_record Assistive devices | Walker | Cane
fiber_manual_record Orthopedics
fiber_manual_record Back | Spine Treatment | McKenzie Spine Rehab
fiber_manual_record Cancer | Women’s Health

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